Most decision-makers view collaboration in software development as increasingly important. While many firms collaborate somewhat effectively within their own departments, most lack consistency and connection with outside groups. Open collaboration drives success throughout an enterprise, not just in software development.
Unlocking the value of open collaboration to drive enterprise agility
As global teams increasingly move to remote or hybrid work environments, they further fuel the collaboration imperative. Adoption of five basic tenets can help harmonize technology, process, and people, creating an open culture that enables organizations to deliver more effective and consistent information sharing, communications, and teamwork.
Download Forrester report 
It's time for action
Decision-makers understand the importance of cross-functional collaboration. Although only a few firms are working to improve it.

Agree that interdepartmental collaboration is crucial for software dev success

Rank improving collaboration between departments as a top 5 goal within the next year

Agree or completely agree that senior leadership needs to do more to foster open collaboration

The Untapped Potential of Open Collaboration
Software development and IT teams are being held back by outdated tools and attitudes around collaboration. Find out what people who work at highly collaborative companies had to say.
Download infographic To learn more about effective collaboration techniques and tools that meet those solutions, contact us today!
About Blue Ridge Consultants
Blue Ridge Consultants is an Atlassian Solution Partner offering expert advice regarding Atlassian products. We have experience consulting in industries such as the US federal government, the US military, biotech, banking, software development and many others.